Positive Insights for Students, Part One (print this!)

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Here’s a list of invaluable insights for students, which will prepare them for college and beyond. Print this for the student(s) in your life and encourage them to take ownership over their education!

TIP ONE: Practice public speaking. The vast majority of future careers, not to mention courses in college, will ask you to speak in front of others. If you struggle with it, practice it while you can so it won’t be as terrifying when it really matters.

TIP TWO: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone struggles sometimes, so don’t feel like you’re less successful because you need a little help.

TIP THREE: Try to balance your life. Your education is extremely important, but don’t make your life all about school. Give some of your time to friends, the community and hobbies, as well.

TIP FOUR: Don’t be too hard on yourself. There is no such thing as a perfect person. Give yourself a break when you make a mistake and take it as a life lesson.

TIP FIVE: Take risks. Your school years are the ideal time to try out new things, follow new interests and explore your talents. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

TIP SIX: View school as an opportunity, not an obligation. Many people around the world do not have the chance to pursue a quality education. Remember that education will pave the way for opportunities in life.

These tips were adapted from www.onlinecollege.org. Part two in this series (Study Tips for Students) is coming soon!


Filed under Academic Success, Motivation

3 responses to “Positive Insights for Students, Part One (print this!)

  1. Karen Cockrell

    Sounds like tips for life!

  2. Jackie

    These tips are so valuable for students AND parents!
    Parents who live out these actions in their own lives can truly help students see the validity of the tips.
    Good habits are “caught” not “taught”. Be what you want to encourage your children to be!

  3. ecossick

    I think Jackie and Karen are right! Who can’t use more balance, more help, and the freedom to take more risks? These are definitely wise tips for adults as well as children!