Tag Archives: Fall Festival

Celebrate the Season with a Fall Festival!

by Rachel Stepp

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As fall starts, fall festivals begin to pop up around the community. They are a great way to gain community support, fundraise, and have a good time! Here are a few ideas of events and activities that your school or class could incorporate at your fall festival. And…these ideas work just as great in the backyard at home! Wouldn’t your kids LOVE a Family Fall Festival?!

  1. Carnival Games
    Small, fun games capture the attention of children of all ages! Create a classic with rubber ducks—Bring in a baby-sized pool full of water and rubber ducks. Put special markings on the bottom of certain ducks that signal ‘winners.’ Allow students to pick up one duck at a time; if they choose a duck with a winner label, they win a small prize! You could even put different numbers or symbols on the bottom of every duck so that every child is a winner. Prizes can be bought from companies such as The Oriental Trading Company, where they can be bought in bulk. You could also use candy as prizes!
  2. Spooky/Fun House
    For the thrill seeker, create a spooky house inside the school building in a classroom or gymnasium (or in your garage or under a large tree in the yard). This can be done using an abundance of black tarps and glow in the dark objects. You can create a simple maze through the dark hallways. Remember, small children should not be scared! Keep it fun and lighthearted. Make sure that you have a guide leader that can take groups of children through the maze.
  3. Arts and Crafts
    Have local vendors come to sell their arts and crafts. This will be a great way to invite community business to your fall festival. Collect a vendor fee or a percentage of profits from the vendors. It will also give parents something to look forward to while their children are playing games.
  4. 5k Run and 1 Mile Fun Run
    For the athletic members of your community, host a 5k race and a 1 mile fun run. There are local companies available that help set up and manage a race. People love to run in the fall when the weather is just right! Offer the 1 mile fun run or even a dog walk to encourage all types of participants.
  5. Community Helpers and Heroes
    Children love to learn about the heroes in their communities, and it is important for community helpers to visit children and schools to teach children about safety. Invite your local firemen and police officers. You can schedule events like fire truck tours, police car rides, police dog petting, fire truck water sprays, and more. Contact your local service men/women for ideas and availability. They’ll probably be honored you asked them to be a part of the fun.

Here’s to a fun and festive fall, whether the festivities are organized at your school…or a free-for-all in the backyard!

Rachel Stepp is a graduate student at The University of Georgia who is brimming over with creative ideas to share on A Learning Experience. And aren’t we glad!

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Filed under Classroom Community, Games