Tag Archives: Social Studies

An Excellent (Edible) Geography Lesson

by Kelli Lewis

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Trying to help your child understand the regions in which they live? Why not engage them in a lesson that is hands-on and…not to mention, edible?!

Here’s an idea that your child is sure to be “screaming” for!

Edible Ice Cream Regions

In order to help your child understand the different regions of the United States, create an ice cream sundae. This activity could be used for other countries, as well–but may need to be modified according to how the regions are broken down. Each part to the ice cream sundae will represent a region.

For instance, here is an idea to get you started:

  1. Decide what you want the ice cream sundae to go in. Obviously the biggest part will be the cone/bowl in which the whole ice cream sundae is placed. This could be used to represent the continent.
  2. Who makes an ice cream sundae without bananas?! Try putting banana(s) in next, and these could be used to represent the country.
  3. Now, here comes the ice cream!!! On top of the banana(s), place the ice cream scoop. Go ahead, you can add more than one scoop (maybe side-by-side), as long as there is an understanding of what it represents. :) The ice cream scoops could be used to represent the state.
  4. No need to stop there! Ice cream scoops always need some toppings! Next, add some chocolate syrup. You can use any type of syrup flavoring, of course, chocolate is just my favorite choice. This could be used to represent the county.
  5. Now, what could be better than adding some whipped cream on top of the syrup? Go ahead and add a little squirt of whipped cream, and it could be used to represent the city.
  6. We’re almost there.  I bet it’s looking pretty good. In fact, it looks so good that I’d really like to eat it right now… “Pretty please, with a CHERRY on top?” Yep, that’s right! Time to top it off with a luscious cherry, right on the top! This could be used to represent your school/home, according to where this activity is taking place.

Here is a picture of what I had in mind:

Enjoy the sweet success of mastering regions!

Kelli Lewis is an Early Childhood Education graduate student at the University of Georgia who often shares her wonderful ideas on A Learning Experience. (Lucky us!)

[UPDATE from mcornelia]:

YEAH! The wonderful folks at The Mailbox Book Company gave us permission to post the graphic Connie mentioned in her comments below!
Click here for the PDF: http://bit.ly/icecream-pattern

This came from the original Grade 3 Superbook. It has been revised now (same title) and has some wonderful new ideas and can be found at your local School Box store on on-line here: http://bit.ly/gr-3-superbook



Filed under Academic Success, Assessments, Geography, Snack Time, Social Studies